Vacation or Real Life!

I hope I’m not the only one!  I have a real problem when people come to visit my family, I can never remember if I am the one on vacation, or the one still in real life!

My MIL (mother in law) was here from January to February.  Jaden had Spring Break early April.  My mom came to stay mid April for just over a wk.  My dad came a day after my mom left for just over a wk.  Ummmm I think my vacation has been way to long…..  My husband made the comment when I came home last night “NO MORE VISITORS FOR A WHILE”.

He’s not upset that people come to visit, it just seems that our real life, kind of gets put on hold for a bit.  Am I the only one that this happens too?  I get so excited for family to come for a visit, that I rush around and get the groceries picked up, and put away.  I get the entire house scoured down, it looks so beautiful for a bit.  I try to schedule any and all doctors and dental visits while people are here (this is because we have no sitters for the critters!)  And then my family hits the doors and I feel like I need to entertain them, I cook, I…. forget to clean like I usually do (I’m a very routine person, you change up my routine and it is ALL DOWN HILL from there!)  Not that not cleaning is a bad thing, but when you only do a good scrub on the kitchen floor 1 or 2 times in a month and you have 3 kids under 7… ummmm NASTY FLOOR!!

Since I took my dad to the airport last night, I really miss having him here in the morning, and I know that it will be a long time before I get to see him again if I don’t go to Ohio this summer.  However, I missed getting my appointments in while I had family in town (I didn’t want to take time away, because they were here on such short visits this time)

Here was my first day back to REAL LIFE…

1.  went to bed at 11:30 pm

2.  alarm at 3:10 am for husband to leave for work

3.  quick chat with hubby!!  yeah 3 am!!!

4.  7:10 am  up and at em.. time for school

5.  8:15 am out the door with 3 kids to school (only 1 dropping off)

6.  8:45 back at home, clean …. clean… clean… laundry… clean

7.  9:20 time to pack girls up for doctors appointment

8.  10 am Doctors appointment

9.  11:45 back home to clean clean, clean… some scrubbing with the cleaning!

10.  1:30 our friends stop by to watch my girls for me!!!  I was invited by Jaden’s teacher, along with all the other mom’s of course!  To a Mother’s Tea Party… it was so fun, and to get the gifts and words they prepared for us!

11.  3:15  school  is done and I bring the boys home (yes boys, I car pool and it is my Wednesday!)

Fortunately, this is my evening off the chart!  And I have decided with having the ability to finally have a dull moment, I would catch up on blogging!  I haven’t been able to stop and read anything for awhile, which unfortunately also means I have not had a moment to stop and write either!

I’m also still working on the VA Streamline Refinance (IRRL).   This has been a much longer process than expected, but I did finally get word today, that we will be closing on Friday!  I’m so excited!!  This really just means we will be saving about $180 a month on our mortgage!  And we can work out a new budget just in time for the electricity bill to rise for the summer in Las Vegas…..  Have I ever told you that I can’t wait for retirement?!!!

So now that my VACATION at home is done and my REAL LIFE has officially began again.  I hope to do better at giving you great updates!


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About Angela

I had a message one day from John on my personal blog, asking me to contact him. When I did I was asked if I would like to consider writing on "Just For Military Blog" as a contributing blogger. I was so excited at this oppurtunity. My blog is... Not Issued Just a Military Mom... I have talked about our military family life and how we have adjusted to our everyday life. I hope that writing here on Just For Military will bring a whole new experience to me and our readers. Thank you for inviting me!

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