
Oh the wilderness awaits my triumphal return to its ever welcoming graces. The trees swaying back and forth, the sound of nothing but birds, insects, and the wind soothing my aching ears from the constant racket of car horns, people … Continue reading

Book Launch

As I reach the 6 month marker for my book, https://www.facebook.com/ForgottenHeroesTidesofWar  I would’ve wished it would’ve gone farther than it has at the moment, but it is still gaining momentum and as of late it and my other site, https://www.facebook.com/Giveashoutoutforyou (which … Continue reading


What does it mean to be a veteran, many may ask this question, but only the few of us know the answer. We all took the oath to defend this country under many different circumstances. We enlisted to gain money … Continue reading